Loki for Lockdown

Created by Macy 2 years ago

Mum called me to visit her office where she had found a baby chick being attacked by magpies on the roof. Of course I had to be there to see what I could do. Me and Quinn finally got the scared chick down and he became ours for the next few months. We hand fed him like parent  birds would do, he slept by my head every night and immediately became inseparable to us. Mum adored Loki, trying to ask dad if we coukd build a house for him as he was far too conditioned to us to be set free. He had free reign of the house- now able to fly but choosing not to. He would sit on my dads shoulder whilst he made tea, and fall asleep on mum even though the cat was right next to her. 

This video is of Mum feeding Loki peas- his favourite. Loki was given to a rehabilitation expert where he is now happily living his days out in the wild as he should be. Me and Mum said we will try and visit him one day again, hopefully with him remembering us. 
